Thursday, August 30, 2012

Believe in your Business Model

                Believe In Your Business

    You have to believe in your business model. You have to wake up each day with the confidence that your business is the type that will succeed. If you do not you either need to change your business model or ask yourself why are you projecting the fact that this business in not all that special.

    “But I am not projecting that my business is not special.”


    If you are not projecting that it is special. That it is the best business of its kind on earth then I have to ask you a question.

    Why not?

    Why aren’t you giving the impression to any and all who visit your site or your store front or who you talk to each day that your business is great. That it does what it does better than any business on earth. You are small, but so was Apple. You are small, but so was Walmart.

    When you enter a room you make an impression. When you say hello you are making an impression. When you shake hands you are making an impression.

    How does your business enter the room? How does it say hello? How does it meet and greet all those it comes in contact with?

    That impression will last.

    Are you coming across as a professional or someone who does not have a clue?

    Be aware of this.

    Find a way to make a great first impression. I believe this begins with the simple act of believing in your business model. That it will work out. That it is a well designed machine. That it can accomplish whatever it is called upon to do and if it can’t ask yourself why it can’t and fix it. It is your business you can do it. You can improve it a dozen ways each week. You can grow it and fine tune it until instead of you having to take care of it each day it will slowly and steadily begin to take care of you.

    That is the dream isn’t? Your business taking care of you. Supporting you will you sleep, while you vacation, while you are off living the life that you dream of.

    Okay, that is it for today. Remember to stumble us on stumbleupon and add us to your google plus. 

    Now it is time to get back to work.
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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Better Online Business Person

                The Better Online Business Person

    My goal is to become the best business person that I can. I believe that most of us share this goal. The better we become at the business that we are in then the more that business will return to us.

    At the end of the day we measure the success of our businesses in the term of quality and profit.

    If our business is not of the best of quality how do we improve it?

    If our business is not generating profit, how do we grow it?

    Let us tackle the profit angle first after all this is what I believe most of us are interested in. We can grow our profits first by selling more of what ever it is that we sell or market. We can also add new thing to the inventory of our businesses and or stores.

    We sell more by reaching new customers and by getting our existing customers to come back to us again and again (that is where quality of service will play a part). We can reach new customers by expanding our marketing efforts. While to hold on to our existing customers and to turn them into recurring customers we must identify them and keep in touch with them.

This will involve social networking and developing email and address list. Getresponse AutoResponder

    I spend the first four years of my life as an online marketer never even considering these factors. I had done business with thousands of customers and had not bothered to maintain a list of them. To keep in contact with them. In other words I had not bother to make these customers my customers. I had not developed relationships. Maybe this was because I am not very good at the social game. I spend hours a day in front of a computer screen because I am not a people person. I found out that this is not a handicap that I could not over come. I found a service that could add me in handling that part of things.
They could handle the social interaction for me so that I could continue to play to my strengths.

    This site below is one such site that could help you do the same. If you feel that growing your business in the social media area is something you wish to look at you should at least pay them a visit. They have great trial offers. If not we will find a way to DIY it.

    Okay that will be it for this first post. I hope to post again soon. Please add us to your google plus, stumble us on stumbleupon and tell a friend. Thank you for visiting. Now please get back to work.