Friday, September 7, 2012

Your Great Enterprise

            Online Business Person, The Great Enterprise
“The entrepreneur builds an enterprise; the technician builds a job.” Michael Gerber

    What are you looking to do? Is this business of your’s nothing more than a job? If it is you can earn a living. You might even be able to put some money aside for a rainy day, but I doubt if it will every transport you to a new and better life. For that you need more than just a business that provides a job. For that you need a business that functions as an enterprise.

    The business model that you have selected will indicate what the over all goal is. This business of yours, was it designed to produces enough steady income to meet your day to day needs. To pay a few bills? To keep a roof over your head and nothing more?

    If that is what you have done then you have created a job for yourself. Do not feel bad. Millions of people would love to be able to do what you have done. To be their own boss and generate income for themselves.

    If what you have created is more than that. If it demands much more effort at times while offering greater rewards both financially and emotionally then you are engaged in an enterprise. Where will this enterprise take you? No one, not even you, knows for sure. But the one thing that you must understand is that you will not look back on this enterprise as a waste of time. You will not wake up ten years from now cursing yourself that you took a grand chance and maybe it did not turn out the way that you hoped. Soldiers talk as much about the battles that they lost and those that they won. They do this for an obvious reason. They tried to do something remarkable. Their enterprise may not have panned out, but it was am amazing run for how ever long it lasted.

   Your online business is either going to be a job or a great enterprise undertaken by an entrepreneur. Who are you? What are your goals in the end? Define those goals and pursue them with all that you have.

   Okay, that is it for today. Remember to add us to your google plus, tell a friend and stumble us on stumble upon. Thank you for checking in.

Have a great day and get back to work.

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