Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Love Your Online Business

              Love Your Online Business

“It is more fun to be a pirate than to join the navy.”

    I believe that Steve Jobs said that. Who ever said it had it right. It is more fun to be the one who creates their own destiny rather than being the one who is controlled by it. As long as you run your online business your way you are in control of your fate. You will be the one to determine how your business is to be run.

    So what I am getting at is that since it is going to be run your way then you might as well love the business that you are running. I hope that you have picked a sector that you enjoy. A business sector that you are enthusiastic about. If you have not then it will show through in everything that you do. You will not give it your all.

    Think of it this way you are in a relationship with this business. If you love this business you will treat it better. You will want to spend more time with it. It will be more of a joy and less of a effort to conduct business each day.

    Ask yourself do you love the online business that you have selected.
    If you do then I have no real advice for you. If you do not love it then I would suggest that you do one of two things. Either learn to love it or find a new business model.

    “But I have been at this for years. I have so much time and effort already invested.”
    Sure you do, but can you see yourself spending the next ten or twenty years working on this business model. You may think that you are too old to change, but people have changed jobs and opening new businesses at all stages of their lives.

    To love what you do is the heart of being a successful online business person. That love will translate into more effort. That love will translate in to time spent. That love will translate into profit. If you are the number one cheerleader for your online business then it can not help, but make an impression on customers.  

    Love what you do and your customers may grow to love it to.

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