Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Running an Online Business Part 1

        The Online Business Person, Sales Part 1
-“Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust.”-

    Running an online business is sometimes like running the hurdles. There will always be something in the way of your success. Are you willing to let it stand in your way or do you push forward anyway?

    Let’s look at these obstacles, these hurdles.

    Your customer has no money or not enough to make a sale possible. That is okay, this happens all the time. You should not allow a possible customer to walk away without making a connection that can be accessed at a later time when a sale can be achieved. Treat them as if they are just as valuable as the customer who is prepared to make a purchase today. In many way they are. They are part of your future customer base. Get to know as much about them as you can. Get their names and email addresses so that you can maintain contact. So that you can send them future offers. If people feel welcome. If they feel valued they will eventually do business with you or recommend you to others.

    Again being a successful business person is the art of establishing and maintaining relationships.

    “What if they do not need what my business offers?”

    Most people do not believe that they need insurance or will ever need insurance until the need has burned their home down. Human nature is to avoid acknowledging the need for anything. How hard is it to ask for directions even when you know that you are lost?

    Part of being a good business person is the art of convincing customers that they are human. That they are unaware of a need. That our product, goods or services are something that would make their lives easier or their businesses more profitable.

    Sounds tough?

    It is, but it is also part of the job we do. This is a skill that can be learned. It may take time, but if you focus on it day after day you will get better at it.

    This concludes part one.

    Remember to stumble us on stumble upon and add us to your google plus. Okay, time to get back to work.

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